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If we assess the market and come up with the analysis that denim apparels that are sold in the market are hopelessly over-priced in the name of premium denim jeans, and we are on the other hand unable to do anything about it which is very demoralizing, frustrating, and makes us feel that we don’t have any other option.

Well if we analyze that the brands that have a certain reputation in the market and they are just pricing their products for the sake of brand-image and helping themselves to maintain as an icon for people, there are people among us who feel that if they are buying even the same kind of product with lower cost, there has got to be some disadvantage or harm in the product, this is human psychology.

We cannot do anything about it, but at least have a look at the market and research on the internet for the sake of calculating that how much a jeans would cost, then you would come to realize that these premium denim jeans are over-priced for maintaining the market-position and brand image nothing else.

Many people who have calculated and analyzed the market and product specifications, who have served in denim industries for some time and have been experts in denim apparels, have come up with the answers, they say that if they had only time and investment, they could make the same jeans with exact same specifications and quality, by manufacturing in China, they would cut the prices down from 60 to 40%, this is something! Right?

Well, Chinese denim jeans manufacturers are however doing this already, they have produced the world-class quality products with low-costs, and that is the most common reason of China competing globally. So, if we can have those china men jeans in online stores, even in local markets then why waste money on just covering yourself with style and fashion with over-priced premium jeans.


  1. Having just viewed "True Cost" a documentary on the fast paced fashion industry and its human an environmental costs which are mindblowing, I think I would be happy to pay more for a pair of jeans that have been ethically made, with consideration to the environment from cotton production to fair wages and conditions to the garment makers. Make do with less and pay a little more. Check out the film online - "True Cost".



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